EUSI Symposium “Economic Monetary Union (EMU) and Legal Issues” will be held on Friday, Jan 15, 2016.
EUSI Symposium
“Economic Monetary Union (EMU) and Legal Issues”
Date: 15 Jan 2016 (13:15-17:30)
Venue: Sano-Shoin, Hitotsubashi University, Kunitachi West Campus, Tokyo (
Language: English
Moderator: Assistant Prof. Dr. Andrea Ortolani, Keio University
Admission: Free
Please e-mail your name, organization and how you knew about this symposium to by 12 January.
13:00 Doors open
13:15 Opening Address
Prof. Dr. Yumiko Nakanishi, Hitotsubashi University, Director of EUSI
Senior Economist, Trade and Economic Section
EU Delegation to Japan
“EMU and Euro (tentative)”
Prof. Dr. Yumiko Nakanishi, Hitotsubashi University, Director of EUSI
“EMU and Competence Issues”
14:40-15:00 Coffee and Tea Break
Dr. Markus Kern, Oberassistent, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
“The Role of the European Central Bank in the Euro-Crisis”
Prof. Dr. Fabian Amtenbrink, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherland
““The Constitutional Implications of the Financial Rescue Packages in the European Sovereign Debt Crisis”
17:00-17:30 Panel Discussion
17:30 Closing