International Symposium “Abolition of Death Penalty in Japan: Challenges and prospects” will be held on Monday, March 16, 2015.

International Symposium
organized by
EU Studies Institute in Tokyo (EUSI) and Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University

Abolition of Death Penalty in Japan: Challenges and Prospects

Registration in advance is required. Please e-mail your name and belonging organization to by 11 March.


13:00 – 18:00, March 16, 2015
Hitotsubashi Hall, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
(Simultaneous interpretation will be provided)



Moderator: Prof. Kawasaki


13h00 Opening Remarks:Prof. H. Aoki, Dean, Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi
13h10 Opening Comments: Mr. Jonathan Hatwell, Minister and Deputy Head of Delegation–EU Delegation to Japan (Tokyo)
13h30 Key-note Speech: Prof. Carolyn Hoyle, Criminology, Oxford University


14h10-14h20 Break


Part 1:How did European countries abolish the death penalty?


14h20 Mr. Christoph Strässer, Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policyand Humanitarian Aid
14h50 Panel Discussion: Prof. Kuzuno (moderator), Prof. H. Aoki, Prof. T. Aoki, Prof. Hoyle and Minister Herzberg of Germany
15h20 Q and A


15h40-16h00 Break


Part 2: Why cannot Japan abolish the death penalty? (How can Japan maki it?)


16h00 Prof. Honjo
16h20 Dr. Mai Sato, Research Officer, Oxford Univ.
16h40 Ms. Tagusari (lawyer)
17h00 Panel Discussion: Prof. Hashimoto (moderator), Prof. Wang and Prof. Hoyle
17h40 -18h00 Q and A